Friday, April 2, 2010

March 28, 2010

Here are my cute Hoodlum Children who are so often sleepless. Their escapade for this day was to play with shoes. Cade put on Eric's and David put on mine. They waltzed and jumped and skidded across the floor pretending to be mommy and daddy. They were pretty funny imitating us actually. Eric commented that some of his earliest memories are waltzing around in his Dad's shoes. I tried to remember doing that as a little kid, and frankly, though I'm sure I did do it, I don't remember it. However, I do remember waltzing around in my dad's shoes all the time as a teenager. My dad and I actually have the exact same size foot! I would borrow his shoes to get the mail, I would mow the lawn on his shoes, much to his shagrin. Those are my wearing my daddy's shoes memories.

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