Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weddings X2

In the last few months we got to go to two of our siblings weddings- both in the same Temple in the same room, just a few months apart. My little sister Liz became Mrs. Elizabeth Judy, and Eric’s little sis Melissa became Mrs. Dustin Ranglack. So crazy….my entire family in now married off. Minus my brother Ben and wife Deya (in Mexico) – I got to see all my siblings, and all 7 of Eric’s siblings were at Mel’s wedding. So fun!

It’s always fun to add more members to the family. Zech is great to Liz. He is a super smart chemical engineer, a talented photographer, and is Mr. Ultra Preparedness with a 72 hour kit like you wouldn’t believe! Dustin is a great guy, too. He is also super smart with fascinating tales to tell. He works for the forest service? (I think) tagging lynx or mountain lions, and all other kinds of daring things. He was just quoted in Newsweek – interesting job indeed!

Weddings are great – but I can’t say I really enjoy them with little kids. “Don’t touch! Sit still! Just a few more hours….etc…etc…etc… “ So happy for the beautiful couples, though!

Here’s a slew of pictures for all the disinterested to browse:

Liz and Zech Mel and Dustin

Zech and Liz Mel and Dustin

Liz and Zech's Wedding 029 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 047

The Reed Grandchildren The Cannon Grandchildren

Liz and Zech's Wedding 019 Cannon siblings

The Reed family (minus Ben) all 8 of the Cannon siblings

Liz and Zech's Wedding 053 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 085

My Crazy Sisters and Mom 3 bro. Jason, Eric, Nate and in-law Steve

Liz and Zech's Wedding 011 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 081

Cade with cousins Adam and Caleb Cade with cousins Ian and Riley

Liz and Zech's Wedding 050 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 068

Me and my little sis Braden and Aunt Mel

Liz and Zech's Wedding 005 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 104

pictures work with just Eric and I……..but when we try to get the whole family……DISASTER. Reminds me why I dread family pics……

Liz and Zech's Wedding 034 Liz and Zech's Wedding 035

Mel and Dustin's Wedding 042 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 043

I kind of give up on the whole family picture thing these days, just doesn’t work! Liz and Zech's Wedding 027 Liz and Zech's Wedding 009

David and Cade sure are cute together, though……and they know how to have fun together – from wearing ties backwards to ransacking the church….happiness!

There is always the dilemma….what to wear what to wear? Mel’s colors were great – but they were kind of challenging to shop for.

wedding attire Zoo October 2009 008

what Amanda suggested we wear… what I finally found to wear 20 stores later!

Mel and Dustin's Wedding 031 Mel and Dustin's Wedding 102

The wedding always starts as a party, complete with cake and dancing………

Liz and Zech's Wedding 044 Liz and Zech's Wedding 046

but it is inevitable that they end like this….


Weddings are great…but I’ll take a break for a while now – thanks!