Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 16

Even though I have managed to kill a cactus - and can't keep a houseplant or flower alive for the life of me - I still like gardening. This is only the second attempt at a garden so we will see if there are any fruits to our labors. We have two square foot gardening box kits and we've been planting lots. Maybe too soon? I don't know. We have lettuce, tomatoes, kohlrabi, peas, peppers, zucchini, and many more squares left to fill. Two years ago we actually got some veggies out of our garden. It was so exciting to me to grow some edible food. I was just floored every time something grew. I just didn't think it would work. I guess I don't have very good faith in soil, water, and sunshine. Since we didn't weed our last garden, I think we made out like bandits. Only time will tell if this year will be another success. (Oh yeah, by the way those are COATS we are wearing to plant the garden. I think it snowed just the day before we decided to plant....grrrr....)

1 comment:

Valerie said...

It's lovely. I'm jealous!!