Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27

SUPER SCIENCE SATURDAY! at the Ott Planetarium at Weber State University! I can't believe that this is the first Science Saturday that I went was so much fun. It was all completely free, and I lost track of time and was late to my rehearsal for my next show on Saint Patty's Day. The boys got to make slime, and cells out of play dough and candy. I got a kick hearing Cade try to parrot back "endoplasmic reticulum" while doing a potty dance.
We got to watch a show in the planetarium. Cade was in star heaven. David was scared silly. He sat on my lap loudly interjecting every point three seconds, "It's dark! I can't see. Hey....turn the lights on!" Oh that and every now and again he would say, "PWAAAANET!"

This is Cade being a polymer. He also learned about natural selection by putting beans in a shoe box, and he loved the class on static electricity.
This is a hovercraft that we made. For some reason, Cade wasn't particularly thrilled with this one. And mom.....David was okay. I took the balloon promptly out of his mouth. He didn't choke on it. I promise. Outside - it was a beeeautttiful day! But, we spent it inside exploring, and playing paleontologists identifying fossils and looking at minerals. I think I am now a super science saturday addict. We will be going back.

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