Saturday, January 2, 2010


A YIP.  A Yip is not an annoying yip yip ex-monster from Sesame Street, no it is my own little acronym.  It stands for "A Year In Pictures."  Since I have succesfully missed blogging about Halloween, and building snowmen, and Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and Birthdays, and Recitals, and Concerts, and the kitchen sink - I'm going to try a new tactic this year.  I'll just take one picture a day about my day or about someone else's day, and try to post it.  I may not actually post one every day but I'll try to take a picture daily, and hopefully at the end of the year, I'll have  subjected any family and friends odd enough to blogstock me to 365 annoying pictures documenting my daily drivel. it goes. 

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