Friday, May 14, 2010

May 9

Happy Mother's Day! I hope that everyone had as great of a day as I did. It was truly fantastic. My sis Liz and her husband Zech were visiting. Thanks Zech for taking these pics of my greatest joys and blessings. I'm so privileged to be a mom to two incredible little boys. They showered me with homemade cards and a tulip picked from Great Grandma Cook's yard and they each gave me a candle. Eric gave me some great flowers and a card with a coupon for patio furniture! He also made me the most delicious dinner of grilled salmon and corn on the cob and salad.....yummy! My favorite part was getting a hug from all three of my little family. We had church and then we went for a walk up by Lagoon and then we visited my Grandparents. It was a wonderful day. I'm so blessed to be a mom and to have such a wonderful mom and to know so many wonderful Grandmas, mother-in laws, and mothers. Pull out the cheddar.....I could keep going on and on and on about moms.......

1 comment:

Hot Cookin' Mama said...

Ooooh my goooossshh grilled salmon sounds sooooooooooo good right now. UUGGGHH I'm jealous