Monday, May 3, 2010

April 27

I always get the most interesting manicures. This is the latest one I got for free from the teenage babysitter's friend. She offered to do my nails in a french manicure, and I got these great colorful tips. It made me laugh. One of them glowed in the dark, too. I took off two other bandaids just so she could do this. I always have bandaids plastered on my hands (infected fingernail, rug burn from moving a beanbag, papercut....etc...etc....etc....) So score another interesting manicure for me. Past manicures of note: Black toenails, and super duper expensive manicure in Washington D.C. (compliments of my mom's cousin) from the same lady that did Hillary Clinton's nails for the inauguration while I sat next to Linda Carter - Wonder Woman who was getting her hair colored. I've only ever had my nails done five times in my life, too......

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