Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beet Chips

So....I've been trying out all sorts of different veggies lately. I'm not super adventures yet. I've loved Chapote Squash (mmmm).....and well....beets. I never have really eaten beets, but I gave them a whirl. I decided to make beet chips the other night. Super easy, and very tasty for me. I just sliced them up - and then sprayed them with Pam and put on some sea salt and baked them for 40 minutes, turning them after 20 minutes. They turned out delicious in my book. The recipe said to drizzle them in olive oil - but I was too lazy, so I just sprayed them with Pam. Cadet LOVED them. In fact, we had a little war over them. I had made them for me and was particularly hungry, and had waited 40 minutes for them. I really didn't want to share, but I did. He ended up eating most of them. I guess its good for him. (I made another batch for me the next night.)

Beet chips sure taste great, but they do have a funny after effect. Cadet was very excited to share all about beet chips two days later. Our landlord stopped by to fix our bathroom sink. While he was crawling under the sink, Cadet ran up to him and was soooo excited and said,
"Hey - did you know that Beet Chips make your poop red this day?" And then, Cadet just walked away. So, there you have it. Enjoy beet chips, but be wary of your toddlers if they like to share all of their bathroom adventures with everyone.


Gina said...

Those look really good! Beets are Caleb's most recent Favorite Food. I'll have to try these. Maybe even Joseph who is an avowed vegetable hater would choke one down.

puffbird said...

That might be a great way to get Bean to eat veggies... He HATES them, and refuses anything except for carrots. Chips on the other hand....

kim said...

LOL! I love how excited they are about poop. Bean has a whole analogy worked out about the poop being "home" when she is ready to go--well, in the bathroom at church yesterday, she informed me, very loudly, that the poop wasn't home yet, but was at the store buying poopy food, like potatoes, which sent her into fits of laughter at how hilarious she is.

I'll definately have to try these because we aren't doing so well with veges lately. I also love sweet potato chips--you could cook them the same way.