Sunday, March 23, 2008


I made Easter dinner. Hard to believe, but I did it. Inspired by the "Did Jesus Really Live Again" song - we had fish. (...."and of the fish and honeycomb he did truly eat.") Really - fish just sounded good. I'm not a red meat fan at all. On the menu was snow cod fish in a heavy lemon marinade, fresh asparagus smothered in Hollaindaise sauce, red potatoes baked in olive oil and french onion dip, and Lehi Mill Rolls. So - it turned out pretty good...and wasn't as hard to make as I thought. The rolls were pretty intense for me, though. For Christmas 2 years ago someone gave us a Lehi Roller Mills mix and I wanted to use it before it expired next month. It required yeast and letting the dough rise and everything. It was much more intense than packaged dinner rolls or Rhodes rolls. Cadet loved helping me make the rolls - so I was glad that I tried it. It reminded me of when my mom used to make fresh homemade bread and Cinnamon rolls every Friday. The smell of it brought all those memories back to me. As much as I hate cooking - I sure do enjoy the finished product. I realize I owe it to my kids to try a little harder. In all of my nostalgia - I also remember eating bread dough. I loved it as a kid. As a kid, though, my mom was around to make sure I only ate a little. As I was getting the dough ready last night, I ate it like cookie dough. Hubby though it utterly discusting (which it probably was) - but I loved it. I couldn't stop. I ended up getting quite the overdose of bread dough. For those of you who haven't eaten bread dough, I recommend starting off with just a small bite. Don't indulge in a spoon full or two or three plus the beaters plus licking the bowl plus sampling a dollop from each roll. Its just not a good idea. Within a few minutes, I was burping bread dough burps. It was not good. To try to get rid of the burps - I hit the Easter candy. Yum. Chocolate. It felt like a good idea at the time. So, after eating a ton of bread dough, and 7 or 8 pieces of chocolate I was still burping. Enter the cream cheese pumpkin roll. Exit my self-control. Half a roll later, I'm still burping yucky burps. Half an hour later I'm on the couch writhing in pain. Burping. Nauseated. Belly expanding. Dough expanding. No room in the inn. Still having to feed the baby, and regretting my indulgence. It was a rough night, but I survived. I think that I won't be making any more rolls for a long time. Bread dough is just too dangerous in my hands.


Leslie said...

Debby! I'm so glad we found each other's blogs! We miss you guys and I am excited to have a way to keep in touch now! Sorry about the dough incident -- that sounds truly unpleasant. Otherwise, it sounds like you guys are doing great and I am so glad for that! You are such a neat person and I am thankful to know you and your sweet family!

puffbird said...

I used to eat bread dough when Mom made bread, too... though I doubt your hubby remembers. :) And yes... it was important to stop before you ended up with a yeasty lump in your belly.

jenn said...

Debby! Hello! You are so cute! I love your blog. What a great way to keep in touch. I like bread dough too - although, cookie dough is even better. Unfortunately, cookie dough makes you have gas - not burp. Guess it has to come out somewhere!!

All the best! Jenn

kim said...

LOL!!!! That is hilarious. I've eaten my share of bread dough, and ended up with a few stomach aches, although it sounds like I haven't quite done it right--not sure I've ever been quite that sick :)