Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wii the Artichokes

Just two random things on my mind this morning. First - I'm still sore. We went home this weekend to visit our families and celebrate my nephew's birthday. It was a lot of fun! (Except for my sister being stuck in the hospital and missing out on the fun.) My other sister bought a Wii a few weeks ago. I'm usually so anti gaming system (probably because I never had one, and am exceptionally terrible at them.) But - I love the Wii. I am addictd to the boxing. Hence - why I am still sore. My back, my arms, my neck, my abs, my sides. Who knew a video game could be such a workout? It is three days later and I still hurt. But - it was a lot of fun.

The second thing on my mind - artichokes. Last night I went grocery shopping and went crazy in the produce section. I've been craving greens like nothing else. So...I found an artichoke. This is only the second time ever that I"ve eaten an artichoke. It was so yummy. It took me 20 minutes to research how to cook and eat it - another 20 to cook it - and an hour to eat it! I totally enjoyed it, though. I ate the entire thing myself and it was just splendid. Even though, I didn't finish until 11 p.m. I truly enjoyed it.

1 comment:

kim said...

I LOVE artichokes--we grew them when I was a kid so we got to eat a lot and even though they are so much work, I think its worth every single bit--especially because they do take forever to eat--its like an experience, not just a food :)