Monday, November 15, 2010

October 14

Of course David did not want to cooperate for the recital.  He wouldn't even wear his costume.  Poor Eric had to spend the whole time with him outside screaming about how much he wanted a candy bar like all the other kids.  (Problem....I left the candy bars at home, and ran and picked up just enough for my students - I didnt get any for my kids because hey, now they had 9 full sized candy bars at home for them.....bad mistake.)  I also forgot half my costume.  I was supposed to be decked out in binoculars and a safari hat.  Considering the kind of morning I had though, I'm just glad that I made it through.   I started running with a few girls in my neighborhood.  I had been running outside by myself for a few weeks here and there, and one morning they saw me and invited me to join them.  The next week - they invited me on a long run.  I've never run more than 13.1 miles, but I said I'd come at least that far.   I ended up going all 18 miles with them and felt fantastic!  I was even less sore than when I ran my two half marathons.  It helped I had experienced runners taking breaks every two miles, and it is amazing what a power bar can do for your system!  So I ran 18 miles, went to the church for our primary program practice, picked up 12 pizzas for the primary, and then ran to my recital.  No wonder why I forgot a few things......

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