Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bath and Body Works

Once upon a time I had a cell phone. Cadet decided to give the phone a bath. Goodbye telephone. Hello new telephone from hubby. The End.

Once upon a time I had another cell phone. Tink decided to give the phone a bath. Goodbye telephone again. I will miss you deeply. Hello new phone from the store. The End.

Why? Why? Why must my chillen's baptize my telephones? I think I need to invest in insurance for them!

In other news - I ran my first 10K yesterday! It was surprisngly fun. I did finish 2nd to last in my age range - but I don't much care - I'm just proud for having completed it....proud...and very sore!


Leslie said...

Way to go Debby! I am so impressed (but not at all surprised) that you ran a 10K. What an accomplishment! I hope it wasn't too hot for you -- I remember Septembers in your neck of the woods can be brutal...

Jordan said...

Good job Debby!!!