Sunday, August 17, 2008


So my family always had a saying, "Debby's Time - Debby's Way - DTDW." I guess there is some truth in that - I do like things just a certain way - and I'm pretty stubborn. You can only get me to 7do something if I want to do it - and when I want to do it. I guess I passed this trait on to Cadet. He is 3 1/2 and I was beginning to wonder if he would ever be potty-trained. When all the coaxing and bribery failed - I decided to not push the issue. My mom kept telling me he would do it when he was ready. She was right. He just had to decide it was his time. So....two weeks ago - he randomly commented that he wanted to use the bathroom. So - he did for the 1st time. He just took his diaper off - and that was that. Funny how easy it was! Well...kind of. We've had a few bumps along the way - but lots of success. Of course, he decided to do this the day before we were going to take a 7 hour drive to Colorado for hubby's work and a visit to my sisters!!! It made for a fun drive. It only took us 11 hours to get there. (I need to go - I need to go- every 30 minutes.) So...yeah Cadet! We're very happy to be down to one diapered kid!